Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Replacement Proline Pool Table End Rail Plate

Hello and thank you for your interest in this product! Proline Billiards is no longer in business, therefore replacement Proline plates are pretty much impossible to find. Your plate may have fallen out from a move, been damaged from play, corroded over time due to humidity, or you may have a custom made plate depicting the original owner of your table. I decided to design a very close replica of the original Proline plate. These are made from stainless steel too so they will never corrode. Remove your original plate from the rail (if you have one) with a razor blade or other sharp durable tool. Be very careful getting under the plate. Be mindful to not slip and cut yourself or scratch the top of your rail. Note: if the routered indent in your rail is deep enough, you may be able to glue the new plate directly on top of the old plate. Once your old plate has been removed, scrape off any old contact cement from the wood surface. Apply an even layer of DAP Weldwood contact cement to both the underside of the plate and the indented surface of your rail. Wait 15 minutes and apply another layer to both surfaces. Make sure to spread the contact cement to the very edge. I’ve found a cue tip works well. Align your plate in the rail and push it in. You may have to use a little force to “snap” it in. Keep in mind no original Proline plate fits absolutely perfect. Press and hold the plate to allow the plate to bond to the rail surface. I attached pictures of what these plates look like installed in some Proline tables I have worked on. This will add a beautiful refreshed touch to your table. Please message me if you have any questions.

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05 2024

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