Valley/Dynamo Pool Table Rail set 6 bumpers NEW Green cloth 7 ft reconditioned

Valley/Dynamo Pool Table Rail set 6 bumpers NEW Green cloth 7 ft reconditioned

Valley/Dynamo Pool Table Rail set 6 bumpers NEW Green cloth 7 ft reconditioned

Valley/Dynamo Pool Table Rail set 6 bumpers NEW Green cloth 7 ft reconditioned

7 ft Valley Reconditioned Pool Table Rail Set [6 Bumpers]. Covered with new Tournament Green Material 21oz. 93 inch 7 foot pool table. New Green Material on Reconditioned Valley Rails. 7 Foot 93 inch Valley Table. These will only fit on a VALLEY TABLE. Billiard Table Rail Set. For 3 or 5 Bolt Tables made year 1990 to 2024 tables. Fully Reconditioned near new Condition. Comes with a dozen new rail bolts.

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05 2024

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