Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8′ Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Accuplay 20 oz Pre Cut Pool Table Felt Billiard Cloth Navy for 8' Table

Precut Accuplay 20 ounce Medium fast speed pool table felt – Size of the bed is piece is 54″ x 102″ and 6 – 6″ rails for an 8′ table – Made of 75% wool, 25% polyamide – Weight is 20 oz – Made in Mexico – Color navy blue Precut Accuplay 20 ounce Medium fast speed pool table felt Size of the bed is piece is 54″ x 102″ and 6 – 6″ rails for an 8′ table Made of 75% wool, 25% polyamide Weight is 20 oz – Made in Mexico – Color navy blue.

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05 2024

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