Vintage Olhausen OLH-10 Pool Cue and Matching Case

Vintage Olhausen OLH-10 Pool Cue and Matching Case

Vintage Olhausen OLH-10 Pool Cue and Matching Case

Vintage Olhausen OLH-10 Pool Cue and Matching Case

This vintage Olhausen OLH-10 pool cue and matching case are a must-have for any billiards enthusiast. Crafted with precision and care, this cue is designed to provide the perfect shot every time. Its sleek and stylish design is perfect for both home and commercial use. The Olhausen brand is known for its high-quality products, and this cue is no exception. Its durable construction and precision engineering make it a reliable choice for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this cue is sure to enhance your game and provide you with the competitive edge you need.

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06 2024

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