300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

300 Pool Table Cloth Set 9 ft (9ft, Blue)

Every pool table deserves a good billiard cloth and We can help you enjoy more the joy of playing – Professional billiard product supplier Product Features: 1. SUPERIOR: Made of 20% wool, 80% acrylon, the ball rolls smoothly and stably, without slipping quickly. Convenient: It comes one piece of base cloth+6 Rail cloth pieces Pre-cut for 9 ft, using it immediately. Universal:It fits for most pool table 9ft size, 1.55m2.75m base, 138cm15cm 6 pieces rail cloth. Specification: Model: 300 Size:1.55m2.75m base, 138cm15cm 6 pieces rail cloth Color: blue weight:About 2kg/4.4lb Package includes: – 1base cloth+ 6rail cloth. Daily maintenance is to use special billiard brush to brush the billiard cloth to remove the chalk powder and other dust. Every once in a while (according to how much time the billiard table is used), generally one week or half a month, iron the table with a special billiard iron to make cloth back to level. Pack including 1 piece of base cloth+6 Rail cloth pieces Pre-cut for 9 ft. Size:1.55m2.75m base, 138cm15cm 6 pieces Rail cloth. Fast speed pool table felt – Performance grade – Made of 20% wool, 80% acrylon. High density weaving, ball rolling smooth and stable, fast but not slippery, delicate touch, not easy to white point, the best economic billiard club business cloth. If you want your pool table to play like a professional tournament table you need professional tournament quality cloth, faster and smoother table felt.

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06 2024

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