Great American 8′ Black Diamond 12V DC Billiards Pool Table Fully Programmable

Great American 8' Black Diamond 12V DC Billiards Pool Table Fully Programmable

Air Hockey Parts & Accessories. Arcade Parts & Accessories. Bubble Hockey Parts & Accessories. Dartboard Parts & Accessories. Foosball Parts & Accessories. Furniture, Home Décor & Accessories. Jukebox Parts & Accessories. Photo Booths & Accessories. Pinball Parts & Accessories. Ping Pong Parts & Accessories. Pool/Billiards Parts & Accessories. Shuffleboard Parts & Accessories. Table Games & Accessories. Vending Machines & Accessories. Great American 8′ Black Diamond 12V DC Billiards Pool Table Fully Programmable. 8′ Great American Black Diamond 12V DC Billiards Pool Table Add STYLE to Your Locations! Ball View Area without Door (Stops Locations from Accessing Free Play). Easy to Read LCD Screen with Operations Instructions. Rack Play or Time Play Feature… Fully Programmable – (3) Events i. Regular Pricing, Happy Hour, League Play… Power Saving ICT Electronic Bill Acceptor with Built-In Battery Charger. Trouble-Free Direct Drive Ball Dump System. Low-Battery Warning 24 Hours Before Needing Recharging. Access Door for Ball Separator System. Enlarged Bottom Doors for Easier Clean Out. Black Laminate, Grey Cloth, Grey Side Corners, Grey Top Corners & Black Trim. Finest Imported Brazilian One Piece Slate. Poplar Top Rails & Cabinet Grade 3/4 Plywood. Made with Pride in the USA. Rack & Magnetic Cue Ball. : 101.5 Width in. : 57.5 Height in. Pinball Machines, Arcade Games, etc. All games are delivered with a liftgate service and the driver will place the item in your driveway. They may place it in your garage, but are not required to do so. We have many partners who would be happy to install and setup your machine if you would rather not do so yourself. Do you have questions? Unlike many internet retailers, we love interacting with our customers. No voicemail and no wait times. We have highly experienced customer service representatives and technicians who are happy to assist you with any question or concern you may have. Please let us know how we can help.

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06 2024

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