Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

Antique Vtg Nicholas Puff Billiards Pool Table Game Toy Folk Art Board Only

This antique billiards pool table game toy is a unique piece of folk art from France. The board, crafted by Nicholas Billard, is in excellent working condition and is sure to provide endless hours of entertainment. The attention to detail and quality of craftsmanship is evident in this vintage item, making it a must-have for any collector of billiards memorabilia. Perfect for indoor games or as a decorative piece, this board will surely impress all who see it.

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07 2024

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